
A fully-automated web application designed to provide a novel peer to peer swaps platform to a global community of swappers.

Worldwide | 2023 - ongoing

/01 Context

Digital Marketing

Conventionally the barter of goods and services, and the exchange of fiat and cryptocurrency swaps intended for individuals and businesses involved third parties and middlemen – centralised, custodial intermediaries. Swap Pit wanted to change that. They wanted to provide a platform where first parties could swap direct with each other whilst maintaining full custody of their services, products and currencies – in essence providing a full-featured environment for this to occur seamlessly.

Without wanting to rely on expensive custom-coded plugins and development that would incur further costs with ongoing updates, Swap Pit wanted the entire website automated with an external backend database that controlled all information that was made available on the website – essentially making the frontend a “portal” to the data. From new user signups to payments, listings, swap requests and emails, we were tasked with ensuring every step provided a seamless user experience from start to finish.

/02 The Experience

Building a journey

Since users from all over the globe would be looking to swap from and between different items, services and uses, we had to create an experience that was self-explanatory and simple to follow at the same time. We developed a plan for different search options and filters corresponding to the different listing categories. The search pages had to have the ability for users to be able to list swaps one way or the other.


Clicking on a particular swap offer on dedicated category pages would take the user to a custom designed single listing page with all of the data associated with that swap offer, including links to the swapper’s custom designed profile page and a swap request form.


We had a set of guidelines for the user experience and we then had to optimise the journey to ensure a smooth experience, including for verifying new signups. Authenticated users had to go smoothly from making a swap request to a private chat page and, finally, marking a swap as cancelled or closed after leaving their feedback.

Swappit.me Case - The User Experience
/03 Under the Hood

With directions to provide an off-site database with the capabilities to automate, calculate, compile, segregate and accommodate all data (including images) associated with the users, listings, swap requests and feedback, we came up with one solution that could do all of the above and more. In addition to being a database, our solution provided the website with the ability to host the data externally while providing a “portal” on-site for users to access their data, complete requests, update email subscriptions, and manage payments and subscriptions.


Then, we set out to plan, develop and build the backend automation architecture with the support of third party workflow automation software and tools to allow for communication between the database and the website on every single piece of data flow between the two.

/04 Outcomes

Just about the only thing that we need to do manually is moderate swap reviews and respond to support requests!

Us:   We’re working on it …

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