8 Reasons Why You Should Use a CDN to Boost and Protect Your Business Website

Last week I visited a website that didn’t just look like a rancid stew made with a hodge podge of rotten ingredients, but whose content also drip-loaded like one – in 22 seconds.

I know that sounds somewhat harsh but the thought sprang to mind, “what a shame that the website owner hasn’t realised what a little re-branding and website acceleration could do for its business”.

‘Rapid Reset’ DDoS Attacks on HTTP/2 Vulnerability in Cloudflare Servers

On 10/10/2023, Cloudflare publicly disclosed a pre-existing zero-day vulnerability CVE-2023-44487 – capable of exploiting a weakness in the HTTP/2 protocol to generate DDoS attacks at an enormous scale.

This was not the first such HTTP/2 attack Cloudflare had seen. Earlier in 2023, Cloudflare experienced record-breaking DDoS attacks to the tune of 71 million requests per second. In 2019, Cloudflare disclosed multiple denial of service (DoS) vulnerabilities in their NGINX HTTP/2 servers.

How to Stop OpenAI’s Bot from Crawling Your Website

Founded in 2015, OpenAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory in America created with the intention of developing artificial general intelligence. ChatGPT, one of the most capable AI-powered language models ever developed, released a new web crawler – the OpenAI GPTBot. Dissimilar to indexers and spiderbots operated by search engines to index webpages – GoogleBot, Applebot, Bingbot, WebCrawler, GRUB, etc. – GPTBot will be used to scan and extract data from websites to be used for training its language learning models (LLMs), becoming a direct part of their end product.

How to Automatically Delete Airtable Records

Today, we are going to show you how to automatically delete Airtable records using the Run Script automation action.

In the video at the end of this blog, I show you how I delete records in a particular Airtable base and trigger their deletion using a condition that fires daily based on the record ‘Created Date’.

How to Create Clickup Folder, List and Tasks Using Airtable Automation

If you’ve been wondering how to take a record from Airtable and convert the information within the record into a Clickup Folder, List or Task, then this is the article for you.

In the video at the end of this blog, I talk about how I take data from an Airtable record, use Airtable automation’s ‘Run Script’ action and extract information from that record turning it into a Clickup Folder, List and Tasks using Task Templates.

How To Build a Website With a Story That Converts

Take a deep breath. Don’t let that title stress you out. I know how intimidating phrases like “build a website” and “story that converts” can sound.

If you’re like most of our clients, you don’t want to have to deal with technical jargon or the pains of researching the nitty gritty of high-converting websites.

Marketing Automation

Marketing your business can come with its fair share of challenges. Not only do business owners struggle to learn and understand the complexity of marketing automation tools, but it is also time-consuming to set up, maintain and track or measure performance results.

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all marketing automation guide you can follow to guarantee that your marketing strategy and setup will deliver effective results, at the very least, you can automate your communication with new leads and existing customers through the customer lifecycle journey, delivering an engaging and informative experience across multiple communication channels.

Zapier Certified Expert Announcement – Press Release

We are thrilled to announce that Siliceous Solutions is now officially a Zapier Certified Expert.

The Zapier certification process is a rigorous assessment of mastery in Zapier. It requires the expert to demonstrate advance level skills in all of the Zapier internal apps and prove by means of testing and complex Zap challenges that they are able to build advanced workflows.

Identifying Roadblocks in the Patient Journey

In a steadily increasing complex and emulous healthcare environment, medical, surgical and allied healthcare practices need to do everything possible to stay ahead of the competition. This goes from acquiring new patients to engaging with and retaining them. This entire patient journey lifecycle begins from the moment a consumer knows they need care.